“Trials and Tribulations: Researching Folk Artists Working in 19th-century New Hampshire”
“Richard Brunton–Engraver to Early America–Legitimate and Otherwise”
“Soldier, Engraver, Counterfeiter: Richard Brunton’s Life on the Fringe in America’s New Republic”
“A Portrait to be Treasured Once Again: A Copley Pastel of a Boston Maiden”
“Bad Counterfeit versus Good Counterfeit: Lyman Parks and his Funny Money“
Samuel Jordan–
“Artist, Thief, Villain–Unveiling the Life of a Folk Artist”
“The Other Side of the Easel: Rufus Porter and his New England Sitters.”
“Peering through the Veil of Time: Early Views of the Piscataqua by John
Samuel Blunt (1798-1835)”
“Great Aunt Florence’s Trunk: Discovering the Artistic Legacy of John Samuel Blunt”
“A Portsmouth Parrott Tale: Pendant Portraits of Enoch and Susan Parrott by Samuel F. B. Morse”
Past Lecture Venues
CT State Library, Hartford, 2016; Hartford Public Library, 2015; Litchfield Historical Society, 2015; Old New-Gate Prison Open House, East Granby, 2016; Simsbury Free Library, 2016; Simsbury Historical Society, 2015; Suffield Historical Society, 2015
Kennebunk Genealogy Group, Kennebunk, 2016; International Women’s Club of New England, Ogunquit, 2008; Old Berwick Historical Society, Berwick, 2009, 2012; Old York Society, York, 2009; Rufus Porter Museum and Cultural Heritage Center, Bridgton, 2009
Historic-Deerfield, Deerfield, 2015, 2018; Book and Paper Exposition, Wilmington, 2011; Groton Historical Society, Groton, 2015; New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 2010, 2011, 2015; Skinner’s, Park Plaza, Boston, 2016
New Hampshire
American Independence Museum, Exeter 2015; Colonial Dames of America, Moffatt-Ladd House, Portsmouth, 2007; Decorative Arts Trust Fall Symposium, Portsmouth, 2010; New Castle Historical Society, 2008; New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, 2008; Piscataqua Decorative Arts Society, Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, 2007, 2011; Portsmouth Historical Society, Portsmouth, 2019; Portsmouth Public Library, Portsmouth, 2016; Rye Historical Society, Rye Public Library,2010; Warner House, Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, 2008.
Rhode Island
Newport Historical Society, Newport, 2015; Rhode Island Genealogical Society, North Kingstown, 2015
Appraisal Workshops
American Society of Appraisers, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI:
“Ins and Outs of Appraising American Folk Art”
“Printed and Electronic Resources for Appraising Folk Art”
“Role of connoisseurship as it affects market values”
“Separating Hype from Myth: the Borden limner”
“Weathervanes: Assigning Appraisal Values, an Art Form In Itself”